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Jeremy Chikalto and the Demon Trace (Book III of The Hazy Souls)

  Jeremy Chikalto and the Demon Trace

  by T.S. DeBrosse

  Published by Viral Cat Press

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 Tiffany Slotwinski

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  “Our two souls therefore, which are one,

  Though I must go, endure not yet

  A breach, but an expansion,

  Like gold to airy thinness beat.”

  —John Donne, “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”

  Chapter 1


  In the green lands of Watico, a darkness spread from the east. Between the vast falls of the River Elmer and the dreary fenland beyond the mountains, a whisper was heard in the shadows. It called for the young Cajjez. The shadows soon took shape and these were called demons. Anyone who looked into their faces fell back in horror and fled. Some were eaten on the spot, inhaled whole and burned in fiery innards.

  It was early afternoon and the sun was hiding behind thin clouds. Wantoro ran along the runway on the roof of the Watican Castle towards a massive spaceship, pushing Raaychila's wheelchair forward at breakneck speed, Mateo snuffling and clearing his throat as he jogged in the rear. Ronny, the royal family's trusted Chief Security Guard, beckoned them from the ramp, "Come on! Hurry up!" The wind and smoke beat them back, but they pressed forward and up the ramp, into safety.

  Mateo summoned the track-star days of his youth, and long-jumped through the craft's boarding doors just before they shut. The engines roared and the doors sealed shut as an angry mob made its way to the roof deck. "Death to the Vor!" they shouted.

  Wantoro pressed his back into his seat. "Veil this ship."

  The spaceship shook slightly as a hologram camouflaged its exterior.

  A news broadcaster appeared in front of the gate to the Watican Castle, the air around her flickering in the heat of the flames; to her left, a fallen statue of Vordin Chikalto, founder of the Farmoore Galaxy, lay toppled over:


  "After an intelligence leak following the emergence of demons on Watico, classified government reports of demon sitings are now being disseminated by a group who call themselves 'Leveled Ground.' The group claims that the royal family has been aware of the presence of demons for some time. The demon reports were initially ordered by Cajjez Jeremy Chikalto. We're receiving word on the roof of the eastern side of the castle that Vor Wantoro has fled the area in a spacecraft. Meanwhile in Bilencia, what appears to be a mass assault by an unknown species has struck the village of Hagden, taking with it forty-nine civilians. Some witnesses have survived and video footage has been confiscated. Missing persons reports are expected to rise dramatically. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Cajjez Jeremy Chikalto or the royal family, you are urged to contact your local military order or to call your county representative.”


  The spacecraft was now in the dark of space. Wantoro nodded to Ronny and he turned off the news. "Jeremy and Maren will go into hiding."

  * * *

  "Master Apollyon, we will serve thee."

  Jeremy, Maren, Tina, and Lyrna were huddled in a cavern in the center of the Earth, in a madhouse known as Mantel's Maze, and now they were being rescued by demons. It was dark and cold, and they were surrounded by gray stone walls on all sides, except a little torchlight filtered in from a neighboring room where the wall had been blasted open from battle.

  As a child, Jeremy's servants brought out the worst in him. In their cowering obedience, they were like so many wounded dogs—and Jeremy loved dogs—but these dogs were whining, always expecting the next blow, which was both an invitation and a self-fulfilling prophesy.

  And here, the demons were serving him. But they had always been with him, lurking in the space between him and his subjects, whispering terrible suggestions, shadows looming over his sadism. Was he a puppet all those times? Was the lash he used to inflict pain really a string moving his hand? Or no, were the suggestions his alone, and the demons mere yes-men, flocking to his darkness?

  Red eyes glowed in the shadows, like stars in Hell.

  "If I'm your Master, then cower before me!" yelled Jeremy, and the demons skittered back to the corners of the room. Jeremy shivered in fear and excitement at his power.

  Maren shook her head in disbelief and Tina lay crumpled on the floor.

  "Christ, I need to get out of here." Jeremy panted and wiped his hand across his mouth, perspiring fiercely. "I'm burning up. I have a fever," he whimpered. The debris and blood from the battle cluttered the rock floor; a piece of Mantel's cloak lay torn and burnt inches from Jeremy's foot.

  "She's breathing." Maren nudged Jeremy forward.

  He bent down over Tina and placed his head on her chest. "We'll give her some time to recover, and then we'll...?"

  Maren kept an eye on the demons and leaned forward towards Jeremy. "We'll go,” she finished his sentence. “It's good that they listen to you—"

  "That's not good."

  "For the sake of survival." Maren straightened. "Just keep them away. Make sure they understand."

  Jeremy nodded and stood up to face one of his demons. "Rise up."

  The demon wavered and hissed.

  "Fly up, towards the ceiling!" Jeremy gritted his teeth. "They aren't listening to me."

  Maren grabbed his arm. "They speak Latin. You don't know any Latin?"

  "I'm sorry I wasn't such a fantastic Earth Studies scholar," he said.

  "Exsurge, surgo," said Maren. The demons eyed her suspiciously. "You say it," she whispered.

  "Exsurge. Surgo." Still the demons didn't move. Jeremy cursed and began pacing the center of the small stone room. "If I could just get them to rise up—!"

  Suddenly, the demons rose, some even disappearing in the Haze. Jeremy spun around to Maren. "It worked!" He smiled maniacally.

  "What did you do differently?"

  Jeremy paused. "I imagined them doing it. The words—Latin, English, Vespian or whatever—don't command them. It's my will." He slumped back onto the floor, suddenly exhausted. He hadn't slept in forty-eight hours.

  Maren held up Tina's hand to him. "We need to get her home to New York."

  Jeremy frowned and faced his demons, who were hanging out near the ceiling of the cavern swishing forked tails. "Right,” he said. “But then I'm taking you back to the Farmoore Galaxy." Jeremy wrapped his arms around Maren and Tina and brought them into the Haze. Lyrna followed. They raced forward through purple clouds. Demons floated around Jeremy on every plane, bowing low as he passed, and the spirit animals shrank back into the purple depths.

  New York. Jeremy knew it distinctly from inside the Haze. He could feel the inside of Maren's apartment on Park Avenue, and could feel Ms. Donegall's Estate, the bleary nights of wine, perfume, and dancing. He pulled the party out of the Haze and into the back lot of a convenience store, setting Maren and Tina gently on the pavement. Jeremy had never been to Tina's New York house, but guessed it was close to Maren's. The night air was cool and wet, and it was “dark” in the city, with pink smog illuminated by ambient lighting. Jeremy he
ard a skittering behind him, and half expected Lyrna to hop on his lap.

  Instead, a dog-sized demon that was more or less a cockroach scuttled up to Jeremy, and he shooed it away in disgust. He willed it back into the Haze. Jeremy glanced around to make sure no one saw it. There was a couple leaning on the side of the convenience store, but they were too busy arguing to notice demons. Jeremy frowned at Maren, who had gotten to her feet. “I might slip up. I don't know if I can keep them back.”

  “You're doing great,” said Maren.

  "Where does Tina live?" he asked, trying not to think about demons. He'd have to try harder.

  "Fifth Avenue.” Maren stumbled forward and caught herself on Jeremy's arm. “We have to keep moving. I'm just a little dizzy. We have to get her back.”

  Tina was laying motionless on the pavement except for a slow breath. Jeremy picked Tina up in a fireman's carry, and began to walk towards Fifth Avenue. She opened her eyes for a spell and Jeremy smiled at her. She slipped back into an uneasy sleep. Some type of festival was going on in Central Park. A passerby gawked at Jeremy's shredded pink button down, the silk fabric caked onto his body in sweat, blood, and ash. He looked like a refugee carrying his friend out of the jungle. Tina's clothes were mostly just soot and Maren fared only slightly better in a torn green tunic.

  Jeremy helped Tina to her feet when they reached her front door. She was groggily coming to, and could manage to slump upright against Jeremy's chest. Maren rang the doorbell.

  Jeremy leaned in to Tina. "We'll just drop you off, I'm sure the police are looking for me. Not that that matters anymore."

  "We'll see you soon," whispered Maren as the door creaked open.

  Tina's father, a tall, strong man with a military cut, fell on his daughter with a bear hug. "My little girl!" Caught in the moment, he barely processed Maren and Jeremy. They ducked out to a side alley, just as a light rain began to patter on their heads. The alleyway was roomy and clean, with an organized cluster of trash receptacles at the far side.

  "What a well-kept alleyway,” said Jeremy, crossing his arms. “She'll be okay. Janet and Greg?"

  Maren shook her head. "Tina will tell them I'm all right. Let's just go back home. It's been some trip."

  Chapter 2

  Stay Hidden

  “Lyrna!” Jeremy pulled Maren through to the Haze and she collapsed in his arms—a weightless passenger in his freak jet. “I wish you could be here with me, Maren,” he said. Jeremy glanced around at the undulating waves of purple clouds. The dead passed through like rain drops to some other plane. A camel marched solemnly past him, dragging an old woman along behind it. Then they crossed into some other fold in space.

  “Lyrna!” Jeremy slung Maren over his shoulder and swam along. Lyrna was close.

  “Mew! Follow.” She peeped out of a cloud and twitched her nose at him. Just as he was getting ready to follow her, he felt some demons close in on him from behind.

  Soon row after row of demons faced Jeremy, with more filtering in every second.

  Jeremy strained not to think about the demons, and raced after Lyrna.

  With Lyrna's help, Jeremy ferried Maren through the Haze, pulling out at select planets for oxygen, until at last they arrived on Watico. He pulled Maren through to his bedroom and lay her on his bed. They needed to rest. His demons would remain in the Haze—he'd make sure of it. Jeremy closed his eyes and massaged his temples. Stay hidden, he thought, and he set his mind on forging a connection with the dark matter veiled behind the air. Then he felt a snag, or was it a tug—he'd baited his demons and they felt like a menacing vacuum—a soul drain. Jeremy took a deep breath and concentrated on holding his line. An electrical current zapped his brain, then traveled down his spine and exited through his sternum. He could feel that the demons were strong and that they meant to take him, but he held fast and the energy surged through him like a closed circuit. He took a deep breath—and then coughed and lost his connection.

  Something was wrong. Jeremy could smell a heavy timber smoldering somewhere—plastic and rubber, too. And something more noxious. Gathering his senses, Jeremy raced forward and reached for the door knob. It felt hot. He flung the door open and smoke billowed in, filling his nostrils and making him cough violently. He slammed the door closed. "Maren, there's a fire!" She tossed and turned in bed, rubbing her eyes.

  “Will someone put it out?” she asked dreamily.

  Jeremy began pacing his room. “You need oxygen. I'm taking you outside.”

  “Why is there a fire?”

  Jeremy wrapped his arms around Maren and pulled her through the Haze, popping out again on top of a patch of weeds that had overtaken a garden of fissel plants. Jeremy lay Maren on the weeds and squinted up at the inferno growing in his castle. Thick plumes of black smoke stretched out across the sky. Lyrna appeared beside Jeremy and mewed. "How is she?" said Jeremy, pointing to Maren.

  "Meow? Half plus half?"

  "Be right back." In a flash, Jeremy was back in his bedroom. He started grabbing supplies and tossing them behind the air and into the Haze.

  Now Jeremy was in his parents' room, and soon family heirlooms were bobbing on rays of purple. On his sixth trip, he spotted an armed guard running down the corridor. "What's going on?" shouted Jeremy.

  "Cajjez Jeremy!" stammered the guard. "I've found Cajjez Jeremy!"

  "What's going on!" demanded Jeremy, his fists clenched. "What's happened here?"

  To Jeremy's surprise, a pack of guards rounded a corner down the hall with raised rifles. Jeremy disappeared into the Haze and slumped onto a cloud. A demon buzzed towards him and he swatted at it. “Pest.”

  Maren. He materialized back into the garden and landed on another patch of weeds. The weeds were an eye sore and Jeremy took a moment to trample them. “Maren?” He marched past a row of rose bushes. “Maren, you good now?” Jeremy jogged towards the courtyard with the fountain, where the sun was beaming through the smoke clouds. He expected to find her resting on a bench. “Maren?” Jeremy froze. Just beyond the first bench, past the thick hedges, someone was whispering. Jeremy ducked low and crept to the hedges.

  "We'll take her to Klav, then come back," said a deep voice.

  "No, someone will intercept us. They'll get the reward!"

  "Well if she's telling the truth—"

  "I am. It was a very precious family heirloom." It was Maren.

  Jeremy crept closer and glanced around the corner. He could see two pairs of tall, laced black boots and the backs of men in uniform. Maren was just out of site.

  Maren whispered and continued to reel them in. "I dropped the pouch over there. If you leave it, someone else will find the diamonds. Please, look again."

  Jeremy heard an explosion to his left. More smoke in the garden. Now was his chance to get to Maren. He jumped to his feet and rounded the hedge, but wasn't the only opportunist to seize the moment of chaos.

  A stampede of men charged into Maren's captors, brandishing clubs. Three bullets fired in quick succession as bodies slumped to the ground. There was screaming and then someone clubbed him on the back, knocking the wind out of him. Jeremy lay in the grass for a moment, and then sprang up. The smoke began to dissipate; Maren was gone.

  “Maren!” Jeremy ran after a group of men in the distance, but didn't see Maren, and then ran after another group in the opposite direction. He caught up.

  “Do you have Maren?”

  The five men looked back at him in surprise. “Get him!” shouted the largest of the five, and Jeremy entered the Haze just as a bullet narrowly missed his shin.

  "Lyrna! A little help? Lyrna!"

  Lyrna appeared next to him. Jeremy's demons chattered in the background.

  “Someone's taken Maren. My parents' Kingdom is in flames. My own guards turned on me!"

  Lyrna mewed emphatically.

  "I need more information.” Jeremy hugged Lyrna, squeezing her tight. "Let me know if my dad or mom come through the Haze."

  Lyrna bowed her head.
"Alive. No sense here."

  Jeremy drew in a sharp breath. "I'm going back."

  Jeremy landed on Watico just outside a cottage to the west of the castle, set back into a thicket. The sky was casting strange lights and shadows, and smoke was pouring over the horizon in the distance. It was a short walk to the cottage's front door. Jeremy pounded the door and then waited. White paint was peeling off the door around the edges. If the door didn't open in three seconds, Jeremy would gladly remove it from its hinges.

  The door swung open and there was a pretty young woman with midnight black hair and sad eyes. "Cajjez Jeremy!" She was dressed plainly, much like the interior of the home.

  "What?" An older man appeared from behind her. "Cajjez!" They gaped at Jeremy.

  "I hope you don't mind if I come in." Jeremy stepped past them. He fidgeted on their living room couch. "Where's the remote?" Jeremy groped around the couch cushions. He found the remote and clicked on the news. They all stared at the screen.


  “The Leveled Ground has taken the Chikalto castle and crews are now dousing the flames and searching for bodies. Cajjez Jeremy Chikalto was sighted in the castle and is believed to be hiding in the North Tower. It has been confirmed that Vor Wantoro and Vinya Raaychila have escaped in a veiled spacecraft. Olgian Ambassador Mateo Nononia has also escaped. If anyone knows of their whereabouts, please contact your nearest militia. A reward of 50,000 Evems will be given to anyone who leads to their capture. The demons are evidently working with the royal family and are believed to be under the control of Cajjez Jeremy Chikalto. Now to Historical Scholar Broderick Savante for his controversial take on these disturbing events.”